Sunday 17 February 2013

A rose by any other name . . . .

In the marketplace - there are several variations on the Bio-Gen System.

Eco Pod, Energy Cabin, Remote Heat Units, etc.

The fact of the matter is, that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you can take a Biomass Boiler and stuff it into a container.

There are dozens of Companies in the market right now that are doing this, and undoubtedly there will be dozens, or even hundreds more in the weeks and months to come.

HOWEVER - just because it is a biomass boiler system in a Container - DOESN'T make it a Bio-Gen.

There are a few subtle differences, that sets the Bio-Gen apart:

  1. All other systems in a can require large buffer tanks and accumulator tanks. This is an expensive and unnecessary cost item. Bio-Gen Doesn't need it. Bio-Gen is a "Demand-Response" system - that operates much like a gas boiler, insofar as it only produces the energy necessary, and doesn't waste energy to heat up a huge volume of water, just to let it cool down again.  (It's a bit like my wife - who fills the kettle to the brim, pours out 1 cup for tea; refills the kettle - then boils it again for "later") Once the demand drops - so does the generation, and vice-versa.
  2. The Buffer and Accumulator tanks in old-fashioned systems are there as a form of storage, in the event of a system failure. (And make no mistake - Biomass systems fail, and relatively regularly). Once the heat stored in those tanks has been used; which is typically a matter of a few hours) the building goes cold. Bio-Gen uses a revolutionary energy storage system, that incorporates a proprietary Phase Change Material; that stores 48 hours of heat (at peak demand) so that the necessary adjustments / repairs can be made to the system.
  3. Many first generation systems require cyclonic or electrostatic scrubbers, to remove the fine particles in the flu gasses. Bio-Gen's Third Generation technology doesn't require this. The Bio-Gen combustion system so completely removes these that there is simply no need for that expense.
  4. Conventional boilers are typically the size of a small car. Just as the First Generation of Computers would fill a small room. Bio-Gen uses the latest technology, to miniaturise components down to the size of a fridge. In time, this will be further refined - to a point where the boilers will be no larger than a suitcase. Of course - the great advantage to Bio-Gen's revolutionary system is that boilers can be changed easily and quickly when they wear out.
  5. Old fashioned boilers are dinosaurs of machines. They are constructed of integrated components, which over time, cannot be easily changed or upgraded. As the system is designed to operate for 30 years - this is simply a case of built in redundancy. Imagine if the early computers couldn't be upgraded as new technologies came along. 30 years ago, in 1983, computers didn't look anything like what they do today. Bio-gen is designed on a modular component basis, which means that over time, as technology improves, the various components and systems can be upgraded to the latest edition. Where does this leave all of the Heavy, old, first generation boilers? I suppose it's fair to say that Mr. Watt's first steam engine was a monster of a machine - to produce very little Horsepower. By today's standards - we can produce 100 times the HP output, in a machine 1/100th of the size. Undoubtedly - biomass combustion technology (as ALL other technologies)  will follow this trend. And when the changes come - Bio-Gen will change along with them.
So . . . A rose by any other name may not smell so sweet.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Common Questions and Answers about Bio-Gen

Q: Who is the manufacturer?

A: Bio-Gens are assembled in the UK, using components from one of the largest European Boiler Manufacturers.

They represent the state of the art in Combustion technology and Biomass Boiler Efficiency. In the past year – they have manufactured 24,000 boilers, and currently have a portfolio of 16,000 systems under management. Quality control is assured through an ISO 9001 Certification.

Q: How can we be assured of a Continuous supply of Heat and Hot Water?

A: Bio-Gens come with several redundant systems to ensure baseload delivery of heat and hot water.

The first line of defense is a 24 hour a day monitoring station, which immediately signals any anomaly in operation – in this way – a service technician can be dispatched before anyone in the building knows there has been a problem.
The second line of defense is an enhanced maintenance regime, where we have a technician at the site every 2-3 weeks. In this way, we can assure that all is well in the operation.
The third line of defense is the incorporation of twin boilers. One acts as a primary unit, and the other as a secondary / back up unit. These are electronically connected together, so if there is an issue with one – the other automatically takes over.
The fourth line of defense is a heat storage system, which retains enough heat energy to maintain the building for 48 hours.
The fifth line of defense is in the design of the Bio-Gen itself. That is, all of the major components are designed to be rapidly changed over if there is a problem. This can be accomplished well within the reserve time provided by the heat Storage system.
In the event of a catastrophic failure event, (Fire, etc.) we maintain a supply of Boiler systems on trailers that can be dispatched to site, and connected to the building by pre-designed emergency pipe stubs. In this way – the Bio-Gen can be removed and replaced within 72 hours, with no interruption of service.

Q: What happens when there is a mains electric power failure?

A: Each Bio-Gen has its own Bio-Diesel back-up generator.

If the mains power fails – this unit automatically starts and provides enough power to run the system, as well as the circulating pumps, to ensure a continuous, uninterrupted supply of heat and hot water.

Q: How much disruption is there during installation?

A: Normally, we are able to complete the “tie-in” to the tenant or residents unit within one day.

This simply involves bypassing the existing Gas Boiler, and connecting up the new Hot Water heat Exchanger and heating pipes. Our distribution pipework is all manufactured by UPONOR, who have a click system that doesn't require any “hot” work (Soldering of joints and connections) whatsoever.

Q: Where does the biomass fuel come from? Is it really sustainable?

A: Our first choice for the biomass fuel is local supplies.

Unfortunately - As the industry in the UK isn't fully mature yet, we ensure that we have a back-up supply from Mainland Europe. If this isn't sufficient – we also have access to significant volumes on the East Coast of North America.
We inventory, with our delivery partner, Billington Biofuels, a 1-year supply of fuel for each Bio-Gen installed. In that way – we can assure supply for the following 12 months without interruption. All of our suppliers have contracted for long-term supplies at fixed annual cost increases. In this way – we can assure that our energy prices are stable and predictable.
All biomass fuels are scrutinised by the UK and European Government for Sustainability. They are all derived from otherwise “waste” products, such as sawdust and shavings from timber manufacturing; Agricultural residues (Like Wheat and Barley Straw); or industrial food processes (Like Palm Kernel Shell).
We work closely with leading edge transport companies (B-9 Shipping, for example – who have a hybrid sail / biogas powered ship design) that are developing carbon neutral transport systems. In this way, we can provide a fuel with the highest energy recovery, at the lowest carbon footprint. We will always stay at the leading edge of the Industry, to ensure that new, lower carbon alternatives are always incorporated into our supply chain. Even the Lorries that deliver the fuel are partially powered by Bio-Diesel.

Q: Why do you insulate and do other efficiency measures before you install the Bio-Gen?

A: This is the best way to save money – buy NOT using as much energy.

It makes no sense whatsoever to provide renewable Energy (Or any other energy for that matter) to a poorly performing, drafty, inefficient building. Our first approach is to install measures that will improve the building fabric, and reduce the total amount of energy lost. Once these measures are in place, we then install the renewable energy system to meet the new, lower demand. This has the benefit of reducing the total consumption of the renewable fuel to the lowest possible level, and providing security of future supplies.

Q: How does this benefit residents and tenants of the property?

A: For the residents and tenants there are several benefits:

1.       Lower Energy Costs. In many cases, this can be as much as 66% less than they are currently paying. With the average Energy bill in the UK being £1,600.00 per year, it could mean a reduction to as little as £500.00 per year. This is how we address fuel poverty.
2.       Clean, quiet, comfortable heat. As we use existing pipework and radiators, or install new heating systems, there is no noise, no dirt or dust, and no worries about sky-high bills today, or in the future. The Bio-Gen is installed remotely from the building, and other than the chimney, you wouldn't know it was a self-contained energy generation centre. Unlike Heat Pumps, which rely on electricity for their power source, and have large fans that some people find annoying and disruptive, the Bio-Gen is virtually silent in operation.

3.       Unlike old-fashioned cylinder water heaters, the Bio-Gen provides a continuous and unlimited supply of hot water, on demand. Residents will never run out of hot water for their showers, baths or laundry needs.
4.       Each unit is supplied with an electronic controller that is both simple to operate, but extremely capable. This controller lets the resident set a comfort level in each room, as well as to schedule for “set-backs” (Lower temperatures during times that they are out) to save even more energy. This “Smart” thermostat system is yet another innovation in the Bio-Gen.

Q: How can you offer the system for free?

A: The short answer is that we don’t. It is only free to the Housing Association or Local Authority.

The Government of the UK has implemented many programs to assist those most in need of help with their energy bills. Consequently, they have several support programs (The Energy Company Obligation, Renewable Heat Incentive, Renewable heat Premium Payment, etc.) that we access to deliver this system. It is all part of the Carbon Reduction Commitment that the UK Government agreed to when they ratified the KYOTO Accord. (An international accord to address climate change)
Unfortunately, as much as we would love to, we are unable to provide the energy for free to the residents and tenants at this time. What we can offer is a substantial reduction in the energy use through conservation measures, and a much lower than grid price for the energy used.

Sunday 10 February 2013

The Journey Begins

After 3-1/2 years of research, development and modelling, we're finally ready to offer our Bio-Gen to the marketplace.

The Bio-Gen represents the ideal, flexible alternative to conventional fossil fuel systems, normally used to produce heat energy. The Bio-Gen solution is especially suited to buildings that are too small to house a boiler, water tank or fuel storage system. The Bio-Gen can be also efficiently used as a turnkey central heating system for new buildings, residential estates, commercial and institutional facilities.

With an HHS Bio-Gen, you can generate economical, renewable, environmentally-friendly heat energy for individual buildings or whole residential estates.

The main components of Bio-Gen are the twin boilers, which are the primary energy generator for the CO2-neutral combustion of wood pellets, and the fuel storage and transport system, which delivers the wood pellets into the boiler.
But this is only the beginning. The Bio-Gen has many more advantages.
Speed and Convenience of Installation:
1.       As an offsite manufactured system, we closely control all aspects of Quality Manufacturing. Each unit is thoroughly and rigorously tested before leaving the Factory, assuring seamless operation once in place and connected to the buildings heating System.

2.       There is very little disruption to the Tenants or residents of the Building, and Commissioning is much faster than a building-integrated system. (Typically only a few days from arrival to hand over)

Security of heat supply:
1.       The system is designed with twin boilers to accommodate the changing demands in load between summer and winter.
2.       The third generation boilers used in the system are modulated displacement units, that operate on a demand basis (much like a conventional gas boiler) and so we eliminate the necessity for Buffer and Accumulator tanks that are slow to respond to changing needs.
3.       The twin boilers provide a first-line of security against boiler breakdown. Each Boiler is cascaded to the other, to provide the optimum amount of heat and hot water, as demanded by the building.
4.       A unique feature of our system is the “on demand” hot water module. This provides limitless amounts of domestic hot water for the resident, as and when required.
5.       We incorporate a proprietary “Emergency Heat Storage” system that retains enough heat energy to supply the building for 48 hours in the event of system shut-down or regular maintenance.
6.       We also incorporate a carbon neutral Generator in the system, to ensure that heat and hot water are supplied, even in the event of Mains Electricity failure. In this way – the Bio-Gen is virtually autonomous in operation. While not a common event yet – with the UK being at “Peak Power” load – it is inevitable that more frequent blackouts will be a future reality.
7.       As all systems are mechanical – they are inevitably subject to breakdown. We have designed into the Bio-Gen a “rapid change-over” mechanism that allows us to replace failed boilers in less than 1 day, ensuring a continuous supply of energy to the client.

The HHS Bio-Gen goes far beyond just a Unique and Innovative Design. It also includes 20 years of fuel supply, Operation, maintenance and Service, for truly care-free energy. This is what we call “Affordable Warmth – without the worry”.
Each system is monitored 24 hours a day / seen days a week, to ensure optimum efficiency and performance.

Of course – there has to be a benefit to the client as well. For our primary market (Housing Associations and Social landlords) we can offer the following:
1.       An off balance sheet, fully funded solution. In these tight economic times, very few Housing Associations have surplus Cash to invest in new and more efficient heating Systems. At a cost of several hundred thousand pounds per system, it is simply beyond the reach of most HA’s. With our “pay as you go” package – the HA can simply purchase Energy at a price well below comparable Fossil Fuel Energy.
2.       Reduction of fuel poverty. With the Renewable Heat Incentive providing subsidies to those converting to renewable energy from fossil energy, we can offer very attractive prices that are substantially below the fossil alternative. In addition, we fix those prices for the entire 20 years of delivery, only increasing with the retail price index, and no more. So there is no exposure to the volatility of Gas and Electric markets. It is not unusual to realise a 50% savings in the first year of operations, and up to an 80% savings against future energy costs.
3.       Elimination of Carbon Reduction Commitment Tax. Our System is completely renewable and considered carbon neutral – so it eliminates any exposure to the CRC. This can result in savings of tens of thousands of pounds per year in avoided tax for clients who are high energy consumers.
4.       The opportunity to replace time-expired equipment at no cost. Many large residential blocks have old and outdated central boilers. Replacement of these is both expensive and demanding on the Client. By converting to the Bio-Gen system – the HA can return that maintenance budget to their treasury, and use it as they see fit.
5.       Long term cost avoidance. Gas boilers need to be inspected, repaired and certified annually. This represents, on average, a cost of £100.00 per year. (And rising every year.) If an HA has 5,000 properties, this means an annual cost of £500,000.00. Over a 20-year period – this number is an astonishing £10,000,000.00. Of course, during that time, the gas boilers would need to be changed at least once – which will effectively double that figure to £20,000,000.00. By converting their portfolio to the Bio-Gen System – this cost is eliminated completely, as we look after all maintenance, servicing and inspections.
6.       Green Credentials. The Government has an obligation to achieve a 20% reduction in Carbon Emissions by the year 2020. In order to achieve this, they require all users of energy to undertake changes to meet that goal. Our System is a perfect solution to reducing carbon emissions by as much as 85% for the average residential property.

But there is even more to our offer:

Low Cost, Renewable energy is great, but not if the buildings it serves are inefficient and waste the energy created. As a consequence, HHS has developed a “Whole House” solution.

Before installing the Bio-Gen system, we undertake an assessment of the buildings and make recommendations for energy efficiency improvements. This typically includes major energy saving measures such as Exterior wall insulation and Double glazing. Again – we provide 100% of the funding for these, through the Governments ECO program.

In this way – not only do we provide lower cost energy; but we also reduce the consumption on a unit by unit basis. This joined-up solution is the optimum strategy to achieve the HA’s goals.

In the end, we believe this to be the way forward. Renewable, low cost carbon neutral energy, no capital cost, no maintenance issues, no fuel supply issues. 

Just warmth . . . without the worry.